Gareth Evans
Assistant Principal
What were your expectations of the ODFS and did it meet or exceed these?
If I am honest I had reservations as to how the students would fair with little input from me. However the resources were excellent and the course was brilliant. These were the words of my students. It gave them something different to do and I was amazed what they produced considering many of them were in isolation at the time they made their films and had to be multiple characters, camera operators and directors. In short it exceeded.
Was it different from other remote/online screen-based learning – if so, how?
It was very user friendly. The students needed no input from me which was great. What I loved was it promoted independent creative skills which is sometimes hard to achieve in the classroom.
How enthusiastic were pupils – did they do anything special?
Very – they learnt loads and loved the creative element. What impressed me was their work stood up to the work of BTEC students who get far more creative input. It also showed them what can be achieved with an IPHONE. You don’t need fancy equipment.
Did you screen their films, and what was the reaction?
Yes they did class presentations and screenings with feedback from their peers. We also screened them to the teachers and had an award ceremony.
What would you say to someone considering ODFS but wary of more screen-based activity?
Do it. It gives the teachers a screen break and the students loved it.